A React application that is used to search for Free tools

Welcome 👋

Free-Hit is an web application that is used to search for free tools that are both free and helpful for our needs. It is built by the amazing open-source community. Here you will find a list of free tools that can help you in your day-to-day life. You can also contribute to this project by adding more tools to our database.

You can check out the live project https://free-hit.vercel.app

💻 Tech Stack

  • Reactjs – Reactjs is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Vite – Vite is a build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects.
  • PNPM – PNPM is a fast, disk space efficient package manager that helps to fetch packages from the registry.

🚀 Quick start

Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or bug fixes, please open an issue or submit a pull request. Make sure to follow the project’s code of conduct.

Note: If you are new to open source contributions, you can refer to this guide by GitHub.

Warning: Please do not spam the repository with unnecessary PRs. Make sure to follow the project’s code of conduct.

  • Go through the CONTRIBUTING.md file, where all the guidelines have been mentioned that will guide you to make your contribution.
  • Do checkout the project issue tracker section.
  • Follow conventional commits for commit messages. You can read more about it here.
  • Make sure to add the issue number in the commit message. For example, git commit -m "fix: fixed a bug in the navbar #1".
  • Make sure to add the issue number in the PR title & description. For example, fix: fixed a bug in the navbar #1.
  • If your PR is an invalid one, it will be marked as invalid and closed.
  • If your PR is a duplicate one, it will be marked as duplicate and closed.

✨ Authors(only for GSSoC’23)

Jason Dsouza – Project Admin

Syed Aman Ali – Project Mentor


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