2KB color picker component for React


2KB color picker component for React.



npm install react-color-palette


yarn add react-color-palette


import ColorPicker, { useColor } from "react-color-palette";

export const App = () => {
  const [color, setColor] = useColor("hex", "#121212");

  return <ColorPicker width={456} height={228} color={color} onChange={setColor} hideHSB dark />;

Overriding styles

If the default colors don't fit your project, you can always change them.

Example for the Light theme

.rcp-light {
  --rcp-background: #ffffff;
  --rcp-input-text: #111111;
  --rcp-input-border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
  --rcp-input-label: #717171;

Example for the Dark theme

.rcp-dark {
  --rcp-background: #181818;
  --rcp-input-text: #f3f3f3;
  --rcp-input-border: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
  --rcp-input-label: #999999;


'Color' type


Field Type
hex string
rgb ColorRGB
hsb ColorHSB


Field Type
r number
g number
b number


Field Type
h number
s number
b number

ColorPicker Props

Name Type Default Description
width number The width of the color picker.
height number width The height of the color picker.
color [Color][1] The current [Color][1].
onChange Function The function that accepts the updated [Color][1] as a single argument.
hideHEX bool false Hide HEX input.
hideRGB bool false Hide RGB input.
hideHSB bool false Hide HSB input.
dark bool false Color theme.

useColor Arguments

Name Type Default Description
format "hex" | "rgb" | "hsb" The color format.
initialColor string | ColorRGB | ColorHSB The initial color in the selected color format.

toColor Arguments

Name Type Default Description
format "hex" | "rgb" | "hsb" The color format.
color string | ColorRGB | ColorHSB The color in the selected color format.
