48-hour hackathon project for DEVS 2022 Hackathon


48-hour hackathon project for DEVS 2022 Hackathon @ UOA

How to run

.env files inside packages/client and packages/api with the following contents.

# packages/client

HTTPS=true (required for Slack auto-redirect)

# packages/api

MONGO_URI=<mongo atlas/db connection string>
SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=<bot token from slack>
SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET=<slack signing secret>

Afterwards, run the following two processes yarn dev-client and yarn dev-api.

The website will now be deployed on https://localhost:3000.

NB: Some additional configuration needed on MongoDB atlas (creating a database named kindly-dev) and on Slack where direct URL is https://localhost:3000/onboarding/slack

Tech stack

Written and developed in Typescript, Javascript and NodeJS using yarn workspaces.

Frameworks used include React, styled-components, Material UI, MongoDB, Express and Slack Bolt API.


  • Raymond Feng
  • Daniel Torrey
  • Youxiang Lei
  • Brendan Zhou
  • Harshal Damania
  • Eve Zhang

Other screenshots of project


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