A application to get your favorites links made using Apollo Client

Hacker News

A application to get your favorites links made using Apollo Client

In Progress ?

? About

Hacker News – This project was created using Vite, React, GraphQL and Apollo Client.

With it we can save links, list them in a paginated way, search for a specific link and list them in order by which links have the most likes, in addition to having all the authentication part.

It was created with the intention of understanding more about the consumption of GraphQL APIs using the Apollo Client and bringing Cache Management solutions inside Apollo to the team I work with.

? Techs

The following tools were used in building the project:

? How to contribute to the project

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Create a new branch with your changes: git checkout -b my-feature
  3. Save the changes and create a commit message telling what you did: git commit -m "feature: My new feature"
  4. Submit your changes: git push origin my-feature

? Author

Brenda Profiro ?

? License

This project is licensed under MIT.

Made with ❤️ by Brenda Profiro ?? Get in touch!


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