A boilerplate free simple state management library

Poly State

Simple and boilerplate free state management library

How to install


yarn add @poly-state/poly-state


npm install @poly-state/poly-state

How to use

first define a type for the values you would like to store in your state [Recommended]

type MyStoreType = {
	name: string;
	count: number;

then create an initial state for your store

type MyStoreType = {
	name: string;
	count: number;

const myStoreInitialState: MyStoreType = {
	name: '',
	count: 0,

finally, create your store

import { createStore } from 'poly-state';
import { useStore } from 'poly-state/hooks/react';

type MyStoreType = {
	name: string;
	count: number;

const myStoreInitialState: MyStoreType = {
	name: '',
	count: 0,

export const myStore = createStore(myStoreInitialState);

//[optional] create hooks to use your store easily

export const useMyStore = () => useStore(myStore);

now let’s make a counter example with React with the store we just created:

export const MyComponent = () => {
	const { count } = useMyStore();

	const handleIncrement = () => {
		myStore.setCount((previousCount) => previousCount + 1);

	return (
			<h1>Count is {count}</h1>
			<button onClick={handleIncrement}>Count is {count}</button>

How does it work?

The createStore function takes your initial state and returns an instance of Internal Store class and creating setter methods for each of your properties.

By using the setter methods you can change your state’s values.

Using the useStore hook subscribes to the updates of your state and every time the internal state is changed, the value returned by the useStore hook is also updated, which in turn updates the UI.

There is no need to wrap your components with a provider like other state management libraries since the useStore hooks relies on Effect caused by the state updates and cleans up itself on unmount.

This library is at beta stage and API’s are subject to change, use at your own risk

Supported platforms

  • React/Next.js import hooks from poly-state/hooks/react
  • Preact import hooks from poly-state/hooks/preact
  • SolidJS import hooks from poly-state/hooks/solidjs

It is also possible to use this library in other frontend frameworks/libraries I plan on adding support for Svelte, Vue, Angular in near future


The libraries are fully typed and depends only on the type that you provide in initialization step, no further configuration is required.


Pull Requests are welcome.

I am actively looking for contributors/maintainers for this project, if you’re interested please reach out to me on LinkedIn/Email

More Documentation and Advanced usage coming soon