A classic todo list app built with React

Todo List
The app is based on React. This is a classic todo list, where you can add new todos and cross the completed ones out. Use buttons at the bottom to switch between active and completed todos or show them all. The data is cached via localStorage, so your notes won’t be erased, when you close current browser session.
Install and start in dev mode
make start
Build for production
make build
make lint
Run tests
make test
- Typescript
- React
- Sass
- RTL / Jest
- Eslint
- Prettier
- GH Pages
Установка и локальный запуск
make install
Сборка для продакшена
make build
Запуск линтера
make lint
Запуск тестов
make test
Используемый стек:
- Typescript
- React
- Sass
- RTL / Jest
- Eslint
- Prettier
- GH Pages