A clean and customizable ReactJS portfolio template for developers

Personal Portfolio Website built with React v16

A clean and customizable ReactJS portfolio template for fellow developers. Credits to Jo Lienhoop!. View demo at https://taniyow.github.io/react-portfolio

Special thanks to Jo Lienhoop, and Cody Bennett for the inspiration.


  • All of the personal information is populated from the resume.json file following the JSON Resume standard, a community driven open source initiative to create a JSON based standard for resumes. Discover the official schema here.
  • The toggle/switch for the dark mode syncs its state to the local storage.

Coming soon

  • Two beautiful resume page templates generated based on the data in the resume.json file — a modern approach of the traditional printed CV.
  • Rich Google search results using structured data with json-ld.org/.


Feel free to fork this project and customize it with your own information and style.

Refer to the Material UI docs for guidance on how to quickly customize the themes, components and colors to suit your tastes.

If you improve the app in any way a pull request would be very much appreciated ✌️


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