A cloned landing page made using React and Bootstrap

SBM Bank landing page

SBM clone is a cloned landing page made using React and Bootstrap(Reactstrap).


Clone the project

In your terminal run, git@github.com:iddle254/sbm-done.git This command won’t work if you have not configured your git to work with SSH. If you get an error, [git clone https://github.com/iddle254/centaur.git](https://github.com/iddle254/sbm-done.git)

Install dependencies

cd centaur then npm i .

Run the app

npm start


You can view the live site here ~ https://iddle254.github.io/sbm-done/

Docker support

  1. Make sure you have docker installed and running on your computer
  2. Run docker-compose up ( you may have to run docker-compose up --build for the first setup phase)

Run the tests

  1. Run npm run test ( npm test should also work)

    Landing-page.jpg Coverage is decent but can still be improved.


Routing issues(react-router-dom)

About Page not working on update of react-router-dom from v4 to v6

Attempted fix NO.1


  • Bank landing page.
  • Ecommerce


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