A cloned landing page made using React and Bootstrap

SBM Bank landing page
SBM clone is a cloned landing page made using React and Bootstrap(Reactstrap).
Clone the project
In your terminal run,
This command won’t work if you have not configured your git to work with SSH. If you get an error,[git clone https://github.com/iddle254/centaur.git](https://github.com/iddle254/sbm-done.git)
Install dependencies
cd centaur
thennpm i
Run the app
npm start
You can view the live site here ~ https://iddle254.github.io/sbm-done/
Docker support
- Make sure you have docker installed and running on your computer
- Run
docker-compose up
( you may have to rundocker-compose up --build
for the first setup phase)
Run the tests
Routing issues(react-router-dom)
About Page not working on update of react-router-dom from v4 to v6
Attempted fix NO.1