A Collection Next.js UI Kit for React


A collection of React components, transcribed from https://vercel.com/design.




  • [ ] Unit test coverage
  • [ ] Unit tests in CI (Github workflows)
  • [ ] Add every component to the docs site
  • [ ] Deploy the docs site
  • [x] Report Bundle size
  • [ ] Figure out monorepo situation
    • Lerna? Turborepo?
    • 1 Large components-package or multiple per-component packages?


# with npm
npm i nextjs-components
# with yarn
yarn add nextjs-components

This project uses TypeScript and CSS modules. It relies on next-transpile-modules to work in a Next.js app.

yarn add next-transpile-modules


With Next.js


Transpile ♻️

// next.config.js
const withTM = require("next-transpile-modules")(["nextjs-components"]);

 * @type {import('next').NextConfig}
const nextConfig = {
  reactStrictMode: true,

module.exports = withTM(nextConfig);

Import Global CSS ?

// pages/_app.tsx
import "nextjs-components/dist/styles/globals.css";

function App({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return <Component {...pageProps} />;

export default App;

Import Components ?

// pages/index.tsx
import { Button } from "nextjs-components/dist/components/Button";
import { Checkbox } from "nextjs-components/dist/components/Checkbox";
import { LoadingDots } from "nextjs-components/dist/components/LoadingDots";
import { Spinner } from "nextjs-components/dist/components/Spinner";
import { Spacer } from "nextjs-components/dist/components/Spacer";
import { Text } from "nextjs-components/dist/components/Text";
import { Container } from "nextjs-components/dist/components/Container";
import { fs } from "nextjs-components/dist/components/Fieldset";

export default function IndexPage() {
  return (
    <Container center>
      <Text h1 noMargin>
        Hello World
      <Text h2 noMargin>
        Hello World
      <Text h3 noMargin>
        Hello World

      <Spacer />

          <fs.Title>The Holland Lop Jumped over the Fence</fs.Title>
          <fs.Subtitle>The Holland Lop Jumped over the Fence</fs.Subtitle>
            The Holland lop Jumped over the Fence
            <Spacer />
            <Button size="small">Action</Button>

      <Spacer />
      <Button>A button!</Button>
      <Spacer />
      <Checkbox>A checkbox</Checkbox>
      <Spacer />
      <LoadingDots size={8} />
      <Spacer />
      <Spinner />

With create-react-app


// App.js
import "nextjs-components/dist/styles/globals.css";

import { Button } from "nextjs-components/dist/components/Button";
import { Checkbox } from "nextjs-components/dist/components/Checkbox";
import { LoadingDots } from "nextjs-components/dist/components/LoadingDots";
import { Spinner } from "nextjs-components/dist/components/Spinner";
import { Spacer } from "nextjs-components/dist/components/Spacer";
import { Text } from "nextjs-components/dist/components/Text";
import { Container } from "nextjs-components/dist/components/Container";
import { fs } from "nextjs-components/dist/components/Fieldset";

export default function App() {
  return (
    <Container center>
      <Text h1 noMargin>
        Hello World
      <Text h2 noMargin>
        Hello World
      <Text h3 noMargin>
        Hello World

      <Spacer />

          <fs.Title>The Holland Lop Jumped over the Fence</fs.Title>
          <fs.Subtitle>The Holland Lop Jumped over the Fence</fs.Subtitle>
            The Holland lop Jumped over the Fence
            <Spacer />
            <Button size="small">Action</Button>

      <Spacer />
      <Button>A button!</Button>
      <Spacer />
      <Checkbox>A checkbox</Checkbox>
      <Spacer />
      <LoadingDots size={8} />
      <Spacer />
      <Spinner />

Docs Preview