A Collection Of Highly Customizable Cursors For React

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React Cursors

Collection of highly customizable cursors for react!

Currently we have a few cursors ready for you to use, you may also customize them to your liking and contribute to this repo ✨


npm i react-cursors


Import the component

import { CircleCursor } from 'react-cursors'

Use it



Props provided in the initial will be the initial styles of the cursor, and the props provided in the hover will be the styles of cursor when the cursor hovers over an element with class ‘hover-detect’.

If you want to use default styling, or no hover elements then you will have to keep the component as :

<CircleCursor initial={{}} hover={{}} />

Further, it is always recommeded to use lazy loading while importing the component, to avoid any DOM related problems.

Problems faced without lazy loading can lead to bugs like, hover styles not getting activated when cursors hovers over elements having class ‘hover-detect’

import React, { Suspense } from "react"; // we also need to import suspense

const CircleCursor = React.lazy(() => import('react-cursors').then(module => ({ default: module.CircleCursor }))) ;

And using it like :

          <Components />
          <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading ... </div>}>
            <CircleCursor initial={{circleSize:'30px',dotSize:'6px',color:'white'}} hover={{circleSize:'50px',dotSize:'0px',color:'white'}}/>

Element attributes

All the attributes are optional, incase values are not provided, the default values will be used

Common for all

Attribute Values Description
safeBoundaryX string Used to set the boundary of the cursor along the x-axis, helpful inorder to prevent overflow
safeBoundaryY string Used to set the boundary of the cursor along the y-axis, helpful inorder to prevent overflow

Circle Cursor

Attribute Values Description
dotSize string Used to set the size of the inner dot
circleSize string Used to set the size of the outer circle
borderStyle string Used to set the border style of the outer circle
color string Used to set the color of the outer circle and inner dot
borderWidth string Used to set the border width of the outer circle
circleDelay string Used to set the delay of the outer circle
dotDelay string Used to set the delay of the inner circle

Emoji Cursor

Attribute Values Description
size string Used to set the size of the emoji
delay string Used to set the delay of the emoji
emoji string Used to set the emoji

Image Cursor

Experimental ⚠

Attribute Values Description
width string Used to set the width of the image
height string Used to set the height of the image
delay string Used to set the delay of the image
url string Url of the image

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Project Maintainers ?

Devraj Chatribin


Shridhar Kamat



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