A complete open source and light weight bootstrap smart table for react


light weight bootstrap smart table

SmartTable.js is a complete open source solution for React.js applications.

Getting Started

npm install --save react-next-table
yarn add react-next-table

You also need to install Bootstrap package.

npm install --save bootstrap
yarn add bootstrap

This component will be upgraded and updated regularly for better use, in the smallest package with a simple smart set of codes.


Flexible and easy to use

  • Based on Bootstrap for css styling and classes.
  • Designed to work with any react project and any react framework like NextJs
  • Compatible in all browsers like (chrome, safari, firefox, opera...)
  • Supports sorting columns.
  • Supports Custom columns.
  • Supports search.
  • Supports pagination if an api url added for better SEO and user experience.
  • Supports external data by props data and internal data by adding the api url.


Add bootstrap import to app.js

import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";

Add React Component

import SmartTable from "react-next-table";

const headCells = [
    id: "email",
    numeric: false,
    label: "Email",
    width: 200,
    id: "name",
    numeric: false,
    label: "Name",
    width: 150,
    id: "phone",
    numeric: false,
    label: "Phone",
    width: 100,
    id: "subject",
    numeric: false,
    label: "Subject",
    width: 300,
    id: "message",
    numeric: false,
    label: "Message",
    width: 700,

const data = [
    _id: "6144e83a966145976c75cdfe",
    email: "minagerges123@gmail.com",
    name: "Mina",
    phone: "+96170345114",
    subject: "test",
    message: "ahlannn",
    date: "2021-09-17 19:10:50",
    _id: "61439914086a4f4e9f9d87cd",
    email: "amineamine1996@gmail.com",
    name: "amine amine",
    phone: "+96176466341",
    subject: "12121",
    message: "121212121212121",
    date: "2021-09-16 22:20:52",
    _id: "61439887086a4f4e9f9d87cc",
    email: "as@a.com",
    name: "as",
    phone: "+96176466341",
    subject: "as",
    message: "as",
    date: "2021-09-16 22:18:31",
    _id: "6143985d086a4f4e9f9d87cb",
    email: "amineamine19961996@gmail.com",
    name: "amine amine",
    phone: "+96176466341",
    subject: "1234",
    message: "sdsdsd",
    date: "2021-09-16 22:17:49",
    _id: "614397edcbfc69177da008c8",
    email: "amine@amine.com",
    name: "amine",
    phone: "+334343439393993",
    subject: "1234",
    message: "3434",
    date: "2021-09-16 22:15:57",
    _id: "6143b810d713e67dfca4985c",
    email: "dominique.amine@gmail.com",
    name: "Dominique",
    phone: "+96181304686",
    subject: "Dev ",
    message: "Ohmaga",
    date: "2021-09-16 21:33:04",
    _id: "61439b2f0b93c171aa1cf475",
    email: "amineamine19961996@gmail.com",
    name: "Jean Claude Samaha Bartender",
    phone: "+96170492931",
    subject: "cv application",
    message: "hello amine this a test email ",
    date: "2021-09-16 19:29:51",
    _id: "6117aeca1e925fd9dbc2bc6d",
    email: "amineamine19961996@gmail.com",
    name: "amine amine",
    phone: "+96176466341",
    subject: "1234",
    message: "wwww",
    date: "2021-08-14 14:53:46",
    _id: "61141f32cbfa7dbd8dba189f",
    email: "amineamine19961996@gmail.com",
    name: "amine amine",
    phone: "+96176466341",
    subject: "aa",
    message: "23232",
    date: "2021-08-11 22:04:18",
    _id: "61141e57cbfa7dbd8dba189e",
    email: "amineamine19961996@gmail.com",
    name: "amine amine",
    phone: "+96176466341",
    subject: "qw",
    message: "qw",
    date: "2021-08-11 22:00:39",

export default function Exemple() {
  return (
      // url="/api/admin/emails"
      // searchDebounceTime={800}
      // noPagination
