A configurable and spline wrapper for React to add sweet animations

React Spline

A painless, configurable, spline wrapper for React to add sweet animations easily into your projects.

A wrapper to painlessly integrate Spline projects into your React code-space.


npm install --save react-spline


yarn add react-spline


Import the Spline component from react-spline and you're set.

import React, { Component } from 'react'

import { Spline } from 'react-spline'
import SCENE_OBJECT from './scene.json'

class Example extends Component {
  render() {
    return <Spline scene={SCENE_OBJECT} />


Property Description
scene object Required. The scene object exported from Spline.
id string Default empty. Assignable HTMLAttribute id for the <canvas> element.
className string Default empty. Assignable HTMLAttribute class for the <div> wrapper.
style JSX CSS Default empty. Custom styling for the <div> wrapper.
canvasStyle JSX CSS Default empty. Custom styling for the <canvas> element.

Loading the Spline model

To download Spline models from the link that gets generated in Spline, it's accessible at https://my.spline.design/example-8b43571.../scene.json (Note: Here example-8b43571 in the link is a placeholder for a Spline generated link). You can then import the object and use it like shown above.