A console for fermyon/Spin apps


An indev console for Spin apps.

A screenshot of an HTTP Read Eval Print Loop where you select routes from a spin app and clicking "send" will give you the output. On the left side of the screen are the spin components, and clicking on them will give you their logs

Server breakdown

  • A React app is built into the binary
  • The React app reaches out to the server for resources
  • It reads the current directory for Spin app configuration
  • It reads the Spin home directory for log output
  • It proxies requests to the spin app that’s running

A diagram showing a react app with arrows pointed back and forth with the server it is served from. The server multiplexes to the spin home directory, the current directory, and the spin api

How to use

Just cd into your Spin app, run it with spin up and run laundromat in a separate tty.

How to build

  1. npm i
  2. npm build
  3. cd server && cargo build --release
  4. mv ./target/release/laundromat /usr/local/bin


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