A crypto-tracker webapp built using next js and Tyepescript

Show me a better crypto tracker in terms of featues, functiopnalities and ui ux, I’ll wait 😎 (Jk)
A crypto tracker web app built using =>
- next js
- TS
- redux-toolkit
- tailwind.
with the home page and coin detail page.
- Top 10 coins section
- Pagination with 4 pages, 20 coins on each page
- Filtering out on category between all coins, metaverse, and gaming category coins.
- search filter to search for coins
- sorting from low to high and high to low based on current price
- added a favourites section for the user to bookmark coins and they get added in a list with state management using redux, added both star marking the coins as well as even removing it.
- added currency switching between usd and inr
- the coin detail page with additional details about the coin, such as chart, market-cap, volume and other stats
- reccomended coins section at the coin detail page
- tailwind for styling
- and yes fully responsive
Image preview, Home page =>
Coin Deatil Page =>
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app