A custom toast library for React

Website . Github


  • 🔥 Success, Error, Info, and Warning type Toast
  • 🔩 Easily To Use
  • Progressbar Visibility
  • 🕊 Lightweightless than 5kb including styles
  • Accessible
  • 🤯 Headless Hooks – _Create your own with [useToaster()]


With NPM

npm install cg-toast

Getting Started

Add the Toaster to your app first. It will take care of rendering all notifications emitted. Now you can trigger toast() from anywhere!

import toast, { Toaster } from "cg-toast";

const showToast = () => toast("I'm a toast.");

const App = () => {
  return (
      <button onClick={showToast}>Create a Toast</button>
      <Toaster />