A decentralized Music Ownership System developed on Truffle Suite and React Bootstrap to allow Music artists to upload their content to the blockchain


A decentralized Music Ownership System developed on Truffle Suite and React Bootstrap to allow Music artists to upload their content to the blockchain, that can be streamed by users.

Execution Steps

To execute the program files please follow the following steps:

1. Create a new react project by using the following command

a.	npx create-react-app music-app

2. For the react project install the following packages through these commands

a.	npm install web3
b.	npm install - - save ipfs-http-client (Note: the dashes are without spaces)
c.	npm install react-bootstrap

3. After these installations, place the source folder (in the submission) in place of the existing source folder

4. Run ‘npm start’ to start the node project

5. Create a directory and save the truffle project (in the submission) in the folder

6. Run the following command to deploy the contract:

a.	truffle migrate - - reset (Note: the dashes are without spaces)

7. In the truffle project go to the build folder -> contract -> Music.json and open the file

8. Copy the abi in the json file

9. Navigate to the source folder of the react project and in the config.js file, copy the abi in place of the existing one

10. In the same config.js file, copy the address of the deployed contract from ganache in place of the existing contract address

11. The setup is complete and the Music Application can now be used!


1. Add Account Information

2. Upload a Song to IPFS

3. Add Metadata to be Inserted to the Blockchain

4. Get Songs and Artists

5. Play a Song

6. Like a Song

7. Get Top Songs

8. Get Top Artists

9. Get Top Listeners

10. Get a Genere’s Songs


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