A decision making app to help you decide where you should go to on a pub hopping adventure



A react based application designed to simplify the decision making process when out with friends during a pub crawl.

Any user can use the application, select where they would like to begin their trip, and have pubs be randomly given to them that are within a 1km radius of where they choose to begin their trip. Google Autocomplete, Geolocation, and Places APIs are used to provide this information to the user.

Hopper was created as a Lighthouse Labs finals project whose contributors are:


  • React
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • Axios
  • Sass
  • Material UI


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Open /client
  3. Install all dependencies using npm i
  4. Run on local machine using npm start
  5. Localhost should open automatically, or can be opened manually through http://localhost:3000


Copy paste the following into your .env file:

  • DB_HOST=localhost
  • DB_USER=development
  • DB_PASS=development
  • DB_NAME=hopper


App was started using a boilerplate created by:


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