A Disney plus clone created with The Movie Database API And React

Disney plus clone
Disney plus clone created to show my skills in React.JS
This project is a Disney plus clone (www.disneyplus.com) created with The Movie Database API (https://www.themoviedb.org/).
Completed, but it can be improved.
Some examples to improve:
- Refactor the code. There are some things that are repeated.
- Add localstorage feature.
- React.js (useContext, useState, useEffect, react router, etc…)
- Styled Components
- Typescript
- Firebase
- Interfaces with typescript. It was one of the most difficult parts to implement a type of hooks and functions.
- Routing with react.
- Burger menu with styled-components, hooks, etc.
Developed by Gustavo Kuhl.
All rights reserved to ©Disney
- Gmail: gustavo.dev92@gmail.com