A fully declarative unopinionated react graph library


A fully declarative unopinionated react graph library.


npm install graphire


yarn add graphire


Use with SVG (2D)

  1. Use Node and Linkcomponents (defined in step 2 and 3) inside an svg by using the Graph wrapper.

import { Graph } from 'graphire'
const MyComponent = (
  return (
        <Node uid={0} x={110} y={300} color='red'/>
        <Node uid={1} x={50} y={30} color='orange' />
        <Node uid={2} x={150} y={80} color='green' />
        <Node uid='k' x={200} y={200} color='blue' />
        <Node uid={3} x={400} y={100} color='yellow' />

        <Link source={0} target={1} />
        <Link source={1} target={2} />
        <Link source={1} target='k' />
        <Link source={3} target='k' />
  1. Build the Node component using the useNode hook.

import { useRef } from 'react'
import { useNode } from 'graphire'

const Node = (props) => {
  const { color='black', radius=5, ...rest } = props
  const ref = useRef()
  useNode(([cx, cy]) => {
    ref.current.setAttribute('cx', cx)  
    ref.current.setAttribute('cy', cy)  
  }, rest) 
  return <circle ref={ref} cx='0' cy='0' r={radius} fill={color} />
  1. Build the Link component using the useLink hook.

import { useRef } from 'react'
import { useNode } from 'graphire'
// Link 
const Link = (props) => {
  const { source, target, color = 'black', ...rest } = props
  const ref = useRef()

  useLink(([x1, y1], [x2, y2]) => {
    ref.current.setAttribute('x1', x1)  
    ref.current.setAttribute('y1', y1)  
    ref.current.setAttribute('x2', x2)  
    ref.current.setAttribute('y2', y2)  
  }, source, target, rest)
  return (
    <line ref={ref} x1='0' y1='0' x2='0' y2='0' stroke={color} strokeWidth={1} />

Simple SVG example codesandbox

Bubble SVG example codesandbox

Use with R3F (2D/3D)

Check out the codesandbox example.


Force Layout

The interface for the force layout is inspired from d3-force.

import { LayoutForce, ForceCenter, ForceDirection, ForceCollide, ForceManyBody, ForceLink } from 'graphire'

  <LayoutForce onReady={(layout) => } startOnReady={} alphaTarget={} velocityDecay={}>
    <ForceCenter strength={} x={} y={} z={}/> 
    <ForceDirection strength={} x={} y={} z={}/> 
    <ForceLink strength={} distance={} />
    <ForceCollide strength={} radius={}/>
    <ForceManyBody strength={} />

  {/* ...Nodes and Links here... */ }

You can build a custom force by using the useForce hook that is called at each step of the LayoutForce simulation.

import { useForce } from 'graphire'

export const ForceCustom = (props) => {
  const { velocityX = 1 } = props

  useForce(graph => {
    graph.forEach((node) => {
      // Sets the x-velocity to the provided value on all nodes.
      node.vx = velocityX 
  return null



  • Overlapping nodes have no repulsion collision/manyBody.


  • Make many-body simulation more efficient e.g. with fast multipole method.
  • Make node dragging example.
  • Add new layered layout (e.g. for bipartite graphs / DAGs)
  • Improve uids with map for faster deletion and uid updates.



MIT © flavioschneider


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