A hierarchical tree component for React in Typescript


a hierarchical tree component for React in Typescript

Demo+Docs here


  • Written in Typescript will full typings exported from package
  • Theming support for almost all parts of the components appearance, (NEW including partial theming) (see Theming below)
  • Use as an uncontrolled component with defaultSelectedNodes and defaultOpenNodes or a completely controlled component with selectedNodes and openNodes props with onEvent listeners
  • Fully stylable container for fixed width, or flex-box based layouts, or scrollable container when lists are too long for the parent container
  • Optimized UX to clearly indicate open/closed folders, selected items and feedback on user input
  • Toggle support for long-object labels with truncateLongText prop
  • Title attributes on hover for truncated labels that are too long for container
  • Toggle support for empty folders with displayEmpty prop
  • Customizable component message strings with messages prop (no data, empty folders, loading)
  • Display a loading indicator and nothing when in loading state with loading prop
  • Opt-in animated micro-interactions for opening/closing folders
  • Multi-select API! hold your OS’s meta key or ctrl key to be able to select/deselect multiple-nodes
  • NEW in v3 imperative API via export useReactTreeApi hook. Pass the ref to the componenta (see Imperative API below
  • NEW in v3 new context-based state management for better maintainability and handling of business logic
  • NEW in v3 moved react-dom and styled-components to peerDependencies
  • NEW in v3 Custom render functions for nodes and icons (full node context passed to render function with open/selected status)

Add to a project

yarn add @naisutech/react-tree or npm install @naisutech/react-tree


There is only one required prop: nodes (see Data format)

import { ReactTree } from '@naisutech/react-tree'

// component code

const data = ... // fetch data

<ReactTree nodes={data}  />

Data format

  • data should be a flat list of node objects with required properties:
    • label,
    • id,
    • parentId
  • optional properties:
    • items
  • id is typed to be number or string
  • root nodes should have parentId property set to null
  • files/leaf items should be a flat list of node objects on items property inside a node.
  • files do not require an items property (this should be obvious)
  • example:

    "id": 12345678,
    "parentId": null,
    "label": "My parent node",
    "items": [
        "id": 87654321,
        "label": "My file",
        "parentId": 12345678
    "id": 56789012,
    "parentId": 12345678,
    "label": "My child node"

Component API

There are a number of optional properties which can be used to customise the UX of your React Tree component. You can explore the full interactive docs here or you can refer to the sample code below:

  nodes: TreeNodeList
  defaultOpenNodes?: TreeNodeId[]
  defaultSelectedNodes?: TreeNodeId[]
  messages?: { noData?: React.ReactNode; loading?: React.ReactNode; emptyItems?: React.ReactNode }
  loading?: boolean
  theme?: string
  themes?: ThemeSettings
  enableItemAnimations?: boolean
  enableIndicatorAnimations?: boolean
  showEmptyItems?: boolean
  noIcons?: boolean
  truncateLongText?: boolean
  containerStyles?: React.CSSProperties
  RenderNode?: TreeRenderFn
  RenderIcon?: TreeRenderFn
  selectedNodes?: TreeNodeId[]
  openNodes?: TreeNodeId[]
  onToggleSelectedNodes?: (nodes: TreeNodeId[]) => void
  onToggleOpenNodes?: (nodes: TreeNodeId[]) => void
  ref: React.MutableRef<ReactTreeApi>

Props list

Prop name Prop type Default Required Description
nodes TreeNodeList [] Y The data set for react tree to render
defaultOpenNodes TreeNodeId[] undefined N The default set of open nodes. Specify when you intend to use the component in uncontrolled mode
defaultSelectedNodes TreeNodeId[] undefined N The default set of selected nodes. Specify when you intend to use the component in uncontrolled mode
openNodes TreeNodeId[] undefined N The currently open nodes. Specify when you intend to use the component in controlled mode.
selectedNodes TreeNodeId[] undefined N The currently selected nodes. Specify when you intend to use the component in controlled mode.
theme string light N The curently selected theme (built-in themes are light, and dark)
themes ThemeSettings (Record<string, ReactTreeTheme>) {} N The user-specified set of themes
loading boolean false N Display a loader instead of the rendered tree
messages { noData?: React.ReactNode; loading?: React.ReactNode; emptyItems?: React.ReactNode } {loading: 'Loading...', noData: 'No data to render 😔', emptyItems: '[Empty]' } N The default component message strings.
enableItemAnimations boolean false N Whether or not to animate folders on enter/exit
enableIndicatorAnimations boolean false N Whether or not to animate folder open/close icons
showEmptyItems boolean false N Whether or not to display an indicator for empty folders
noIcons boolean false N Disable the icon display
truncateLongText boolean false N Prepares all DOM nodes to be able to truncate long text nodes. Note this setting will have no effect if container is not styled to have a fixed width.
multiSelect boolean false N Component is single select by default.
containerStyles CSSProperties {} N Style the React Tree container
RenderNode TreeRenderFn undefined N A custom renderer for Node elements. See Custom rendering
RenderIcon TreeRenderFn undefined N A custom renderer for Icon elements. See Custom rendering
onToggleSelectedNodes (nodes: TreeNodeId[]) => void () => void N A callback called whenever items are selected/deselected
onToggleOpenNodes (nodes: TreeNodeId[]) => void () => void N A callback called whenever items are opened/closed


React Tree is written in typescript and is fully typescript compatible. All type definitions are exported directly from the library. See src/types in the repo for extensive definitions

Imperative API

React Tree exposes a hook useReactTreeApi which you can use to imperatively control the tree component. The hook returns a React.MutableRef<ReactTreeApi> type object. All you have to do is pass the returned object to the ref props on the React Tree component. The .current property on the ref object will be populated with the API functions you need to fully control the component.


import ReactTree, { useReactTreeApi } from "@naisutech/react-tree"
const App = () => {
  const treeApi = useReactTreeApi()

  return <div>
    <button onClick={() => { treeApi.current.toggleAllNodesOpenState("open") }}>Expand all</button>


Full details of the React Tree API:

interface ReactTreeApi {
  getOpenNodes: () => (number | string)[]  // get a list of all open nodes
  getSelectedNodes: () => (number | string)[] // get a list of all selected nodes
  toggleNodeSelectedState: (node: string | number) => void // toggle a node selected/unselected. This is an inclusive operation (all other selected nodes are retained)
  toggleNodeOpenState: (node: string | number) => void // toggle a node open. This is an inclusive operation (all other open nodes are retained)
  toggleAllNodesOpenState: (state: 'open' | 'closed') => void // open or close all nodes
  toggleAllNodesSelectedState: (state: 'selected' | 'unselected') => void // select or deselect all nodes
  toggleOpenNodes: (nodes: (number | string)[]) => void // toggle a set of nodes open. This is an additive operation (it's a union of already open and newly open nodes)
  toggleClosedNodes: (nodes: (number | string)[]) => void // toggle a set of nodes closed. This is an subtractive operation (it's a difference of already open and newly closed nodes)
  toggleOpenClosedNodes: (nodes: (number | string)[]) => void // toggle a set of nodes open. This is an exclusive operation (all other open nodes are closed)
  selectNodes: (nodes: (number | string)[]) => void // toggle a set of nodes selected. This is an additive operation (it's a union of already selected and newly selected nodes)
  deselectNodes: (nodes: (number | string)[]) => void // toggle a set of nodes deselected. This is an subtractive operation (it's a difference of already selected and newly deselected nodes)
  toggleSelectedNodes: (nodes: (number | string)[]) => void // toggle a set of nodes selected. This is an exclusive operation (all other selected nodes are deselected)


ReactTree supports custom theming. All values are CSS compatible properties. Provide the custom theme object to the themes prop (with a key matching your theme name) and provide your theme name to the theme prop.

Theme API:

Note all props are optional. Any props not provided will use initial settings (e.g. background-color: initial;)

interface ReactTreeTheme {
  text?: {
    fontSize?: SizeUnit | CSSUnit
    fontFamily?: string
    color?: string
    selectedColor?: string | null
    hoverColor?: string | null
  nodes?: {
    height?: CSSUnit
    folder?: {
      bgColor?: string
      selectedBgColor?: string
      hoverBgColor?: string | null
    leaf?: {
      bgColor?: string
      selectedBgColor?: string
      hoverBgColor?: string | null
    separator?: {
      border?: string
      borderColor?: string
    icons?: {
      size?: CSSUnit
      folderColor?: string
      leafColor?: string


const myThemes: ThemeSettings = {
  "exampleCustomTheme": {
    "text": {
      "fontSize": "xl",
      "fontFamily": "cursive",
      "color": "#fafafa",
      "selectedColor": "#fafafa",
      "hoverColor": "#fafafa"
    "nodes": {
      "height": "3.5rem",
      "folder": {
        "bgColor": "gold",
        "selectedBgColor": "goldenrod",
        "hoverBgColor": "yellow"
      "leaf": {
        "bgColor": "magenta",
        "selectedBgColor": "blueviolet",
        "hoverBgColor": "violet"
      "separator": {
        "border": "3px solid",
        "borderColor": "transparent"
      "icons": {
        "size": "1rem",
        "folderColor": "crimson",
        "leafColor": "white"
<Tree nodes={data} theme="exampleCustomTheme" themes={myThemes} />


Custom render functions

React Tree includes two props RenderNode and RenderIcon which can be used to fully customize the appearance and behaviour of the component

### API

Icons and nodes both use the same API, TreeRenderFn:

type TreeRenderFn = ({
  selected = false,
  open = false,
}: {
  node: TreeNode
  type: 'leaf' | 'node' | 'loader'
  selected: boolean
  open?: boolean
  Icon?: React.ReactNode
  context: TReactTreeContext
}) => React.ReactNode
  • node: TreeNode – the node data
  • type: 'leaf' | 'node' | 'loader' – the type of this node
  • selected: boolean – indicates whether node is selected or not
  • open: boolean – use only for node, indicates whether node is open or not
  • icon: React.ReactNode – the SVG component of the original React Tree icon if you want to use it
  • context: TReactTreeContext – the entire React Tree context including the state, and API methods


ReactTree will call (if provided) the RenderNode icon with the API for TreeRenderFn. This should be enough information to render any customization you need.

N.B. if you use the prop truncateLongText you’ll notice that unless you properly style your custom node elements, it will take no effect. As explained elsewhere, you’ll need to make sure that a) the container is styled to have a fixed width and b) that the custom node is styled overflow-x: hidden; and text-overflow: ellipsis to be rendered correctly.


ReactTree comes with a pretty solid set of default icons for showing node elements and leaf elements. However, if you want to hide the icons, pass the noIcons prop.

If you want to customize the icons, you can! Some conditions:

  • the icon is rendered inside a container which whose size is determined by theme property icons.size. It will render any child SVG or img element as 100% height and width within that container

TODO in v4 and beyond

  • add drag and drop support


  • open issues and PRs and we’ll work together!


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