A kanban board for organizing tasks using categories and tags

Todo Together

A collaborative kanban board supporting user concurrency, implemented with React on the front end and Node.js on the back end.

Front-End React ES10 CSS3
Back-End Node.js Express PostgreSQL RESTful API
Development Jest Mocha Chai Heroku


Landing Page

Supports user registration and log in.

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Application Page

Create categories, create tasks, tag your tasks, move your tasks, filter your tasks, share your board with others!

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Site Map & User Flow

  • Create board or get link
    • Add categories to your board
      • Add tasks to your categories
        • Set tags and comments on your tasks
          • Share your board with others


Entity Relationships (PostgreSQL tables)

Users Projects Categories Tasks Project_Users
id id id id id
username name name title project_id
password user_id project_id category_id user_id
project_id assigned_user

Developer Roadmap

  • Refactor to use Context API
  • Refactor to use React Hooks
  • Support multiple projects by the same user
  • Support shared projects and concurrency with websockets
  • Support drag and drop task movement with react-dnd

User Stories

  • As a user I can create categories so I can organize my tasks
  • As a user I can create task cards so I can track the status and details of my tasks
    • As a user I can set due dates on tasks so I can accomplish them on time
    • As a user I can set notes on tasks so I can clarify any details or special cases related to the task
    • As a user I can move tasks up and down the priority queue
    • As a user I can move tasks between the columns
  • As a user I can chat with members of my team so I can collaborate on tasks
  • As a user I can see which tasks are assigned to me so I can work on them
  • As a user I can assign tasks to myself or others so we can delegate work

  • As an admin I can see the users currently on my project
  • As an admin I can add and remove users from my project so I can allow team members to collaborate on tasks

  • As a user I can create an account so I can use the app
  • As a user I can log in to my account so I can use the app
  • As a user I will be automatically logged off the app after not interacting for a period of time so my account will be secured
