A lightweight and simple tooltip component for React


A lightweight and simple tooltip component for React.

Getting started

You can download react-simple-tooltip from the NPM registry via the npm or yarn commands

yarn add react-simple-tooltip
npm install react-simple-tooltip --save

If you don't use package manager and you want to include react-simple-tooltip directly in your html, you could get it from the UNPKG CDN



Attached to a Component

import React from "react"
import Tooltip from "react-simple-tooltip"

const App = () => (
  <Tooltip content="?">
    <button>Hover me !</button>


import React from "react"
import Tooltip from "react-simple-tooltip"

const App = () => (
  <div style={{position: "relative"}}>
      style={{position: "absolute", top: "50%", right: "0"}}

Custom css

import React from "react"
import Tooltip from "react-simple-tooltip"
import {css} from "styled-components"

const App = () => (
      white-space: nowrap;
    <button>Hover me !</button>


Name PropType Description Default
arrow PropTypes.number Arrow size, in pixels 8
background PropTypes.string Tooltip background color "#000"
border PropTypes.string Tooltip border color "#000"
color PropTypes.string Tooltip text color "#fff"
content PropTypes.any.isRequired Tooltip content -
customCss PropTypes.any Custom css -
fadeDuration PropTypes.number Fade duration, in milliseconds 0
fadeEasing PropTypes.string Fade easing "linear"
fixed PropTypes.bool Tooltip behavior, hover by default false
fontFamily PropTypes.bool Tooltip text font-family "inherit"
fontSize PropTypes.bool Tooltip text font-size "inherit"
padding PropTypes.number Tooltip padding, in pixels 16
placement PropTypes.oneOf(["left", "top", "right", "bottom"]) Tooltip placement "top"
radius PropTypes.number Tooltip border radius 0
zIndex PropTypes.number Tooltip z-index 1
