WaveJS: A lightweight React alternative


Big things can come from a small package

What is WaveJS?

382 bites minified. Thats ~18,00% than React and ~47,400% less than angular. Wavejs is a tiny package that has all the fancy bells and whistles your favorite frameworks have.


WaveJS is built to have a developer-friendly syntax built on Reacts JSX syntax.

Syntax Example

const Page = () => {
	const [counter, setCounter] = WJS.useState(0);
	return (
			<button onClick={() => setCounter(counter + 1)}>
				Count: {counter}

// Using the built in Hash Router
		home: { title: "WaveJS Counter", component: Page }

// Single page app
WJS.page({ title: "WaveJS Counter" }, Page);


Using Wave.js is super easy!

  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/wave-studios/wavejs.git
  2. Install dependencies using your favorite package manager. We reccomend yarn classic
  3. Run npm run dev or yarn dev and you’re off to the races!


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