A Lightweight React package that resolves permissions in your app


Lightweight package that resolves permissions in your app

How to use

Wrap your App in PermissionsProvider

const Main = () => {
  return <PermissionsProvider>{/* your app code */}</PermissionsProvider>;

Provide initialPermissions?: CheckResult and/or onCheckPermissions?: OnCheckPermissionsType If you have all permissions somewhere, and you don’t need dynamic checks – use only initialPermissions

type CheckResult = {
  action: string,
  allowed?: boolean,

type OnCheckPermissionsType = (
  actions: string[]
) => Promise<CheckResult> | CheckResult;

const exampleInitialPermissions = [
  { action: 'can_view_transactions', allowed: true },
  { action: 'can_edit_people', allowed: false },

const exampleCheckPermissions = (actions: string[]) => {
  return [
    { action: 'this_is_allowed', allowed: true },
    { action: 'denied_this_is', allowed: false },
    { action: 'undefined_is_allowed' },

return (
    // children

In the code itself use PermissionCheck component

// Base usage:
return (
  <PermissionCheck action="can_view_files">
    <FileViewer />

// Two or more permissions at the same time:
return (
  <PermissionCheck action={['can_view_files', 'is_system_admin']}>
    <SystemFileViewer />

// Provide Fallback for denied access:
return (
  <PermissionCheck fallback="It's not for you, sorry" action="can_view_files">
    <SystemFileViewer />

// Provide Loading if checks are dynamic:
return (
  <PermissionCheck loading={<Spin />} action="can_view_files">
    <SystemFileViewer />

// Provide onDeny if you want to do something on permission deny
return (
    onDeny={action => {
      logger.info(`Action [${action}] got denied`);
    <SystemFileViewer />

// Provide custom logic for permissions
return (
    action={['can_view_files', 'can_view_system_files', 'has_full_access']}
    isAllowed={(allowed = [], denied = []) => {
      if (
        allowed.includes('can_view_files') &&
      ) {
        return true;

      return !denied.includes('has_full_access');
    <FileViewer />



This component allows you to hide content based on permissions

type PermissionCheckProps = {
  // this action/actions will be checked upon
  // if it's allowed - we will show content
  action: string | string[],

  // content that must be shown if action is allowed
  children: React.ReactNode,

  // content that must be shown if action is not allowed
  // default = null
  fallback?: React.ReactNode,

  // content that must be shown while we check if action is allowed
  // default = null
  loading?: React.ReactNode,

  // event when action is denied
  // fire alerts, write logs or redirects - do anything
  onDenied?: (action: string) => void,

  // if you need to implement custom check
  // by default we need to have all actions allowed
  isAllowed?: (allowedActions: string[], deniedActions: string[]) => boolean,

return <PermissionCheck>Secure Content</PermissionCheck>;


Documentation TBD


Documentation TBD


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