A monorepo boilerplate built with Nx, NestJS, React, GraphQL and MongoDB

This monorepo is built using Nx, NestJS, GraphQL, MongoDB, ReactJS with other libraries like Formik, MaterialUI.
1. Clone the application
git clone https://github.com/knowankit/fullstack-monorepo-boilerplate
3. Bootstrap the packages
From the project root, we can run the following command to bootstrap the packages and install all their dependencies and linking any cross-dependencies:
npm install
This app uses mongoDB, so please make sure you have monogoDB server and to access the data you can use MongoDB Compass. Once you have these tools, you should create a database called todo
(this is what I have given in the grapQL code, you can change it anytime).
4. Start the packages
From the project root, we can run the following command to start our Node.js packages:
npm run dev
The above command will do the following:
1. Starts the front-end package on `http://localhost:4200/`
2. Starts the backend graphQL server on `http://localhost:5000/graphql`
This project is licensed under the MIT License.