A music website calling an existing API using react
This project was about creating a music website, calling an existing API (wildify – created by our teacher) using react, javascript, tailwind. We worked with agile method with a kanban board and daily points each morning.
- the player had to keep playing while the user change pages
- the player had to load the correct tracklist according to the music selected by the user
- work on local storage to save the recently played musics and favorites music
- group all the API calls
- the drag and drop to upload musics and update the tracklists
Attention: necessité d’avoir le token api pour accéder à toutes les features
- Concurrently : Allows for several commands to run concurrently in the same CLI
- Husky : Allows to execute specific commands that trigger on git events
- Vite : Alternative to Create-React-App, packaging less tools for a more fluid experience
- ESLint : “Quality of code” tool, ensures chosen rules will be enforced
- Prettier : “Quality of code” tool as well, focuses on the styleguide
- _ Airbnb Standard_ : One of the most known “standards”, even though it’s not officially linked to ES/JS
- Nodemon : Allows to restart the server everytime a .js file is udated