A note taking app with user authentication built with React
My notes is a simple note taking app in which user can store importent notes related to work or studies.
Tech Stack
- JavaScript ES6
- ReactJS | ReduxJS
- Git
- Bootstrap, react-router-dom, redux, react-redux, redux-thunk, axios, sweetalert, validator
- User must be authenticated in order to use the application and must be authorized to access his account
- JWT is used for user authentication
User Module
- User must register and login to perform crud operations on notes
- Form validations are done without using third party packages
Note Module
- User can create note by entering the note details in note form.
- Edit button is provied for the user to modify the notes
- With Delete button, user can remove the note from the list
- Form validations are done without using third party packages
Ashwin Kumar C