A performant and comprehensive React sticky component


A performant and comprehensive React sticky component.

A sticky component wraps a sticky target and remains the target in viewport as an user scrolls the page. Most sticky components handle the case where the sticky target is shorter then viewport, but not the case where a sticky target taller then viewport. The reason is the behavior expectation and implementation is much more complicated.

react-stickynode handles not only regular case but the long sticky target case in a natural way. In regular case, when scrolling page down, react-stickynode will stick to the top of viewport. But in the case of taller sticky target, it will scroll along with the page until its bottom reaches the bottom of viewport. In other words, it looks like the bottom of viewport pulls the bottom of a sticky target down when scrolling page down. On the other hand, when scrolling page up, the top of viewport pulls the top of a sticky target up.

This behavior gives the content in a tall sticky target more chance to be shown. This is especially good for the case where many ADs are in the right rail.

Another highlight is that react-stickynode can handle the case where a sticky target uses percentage as its width unit. For a responsive designed page, it is especially useful.


  • Retrieve scrollTop only once for all sticky components.
  • Listen to throttled scrolling to have better performance.
  • Use rAF to update sticky status to have better performance.
  • Support top offset from the top of screen.
  • Support bottom boundary to stop sticky status.
  • Support any sticky target with various width units.


The sticky uses Modernizr csstransforms3d and prefixed features to detect IE8/9, so it can downgrade not to use transform3d.


import Sticky from 'react-stickynode';

<Sticky enabled={true} top={50} bottomBoundary={1200}>
import Sticky from 'react-stickynode';

<Sticky top='#header' bottomBoundary='#content'>
