A platform built for podcast broadcasting, built using React


PodCastr is a platform built for podcast broadcasting. It was developed during the @Rocketseat NLW#05 free training. The application allows users to explore and listen to various podcasts on different topics.

Technologies Used

PodCastr is built using the following technologies:

  • ReactJS
  • TypeScript
  • Next.js

Getting Started

To run this project, you need to have Node.js v14 and Yarn installed on your system.

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Run the following command to install the project dependencies:
yarn install
  1. Once the dependencies are installed, you can use the following scripts to perform different tasks:
  • yarn dev: This script starts the development server and the JSON server concurrently. It runs both the backend server (JSON server) and the frontend development server (Next.js) at the same time. If any of the servers fail, all others will be killed. This is the recommended script for local development.

  • yarn build:dev: This script builds the production-ready optimized version of the Next.js app and starts the JSON server. It is useful for testing the built application locally.

  • yarn build: This script builds the production-ready optimized version of the Next.js app.

  • yarn start: This script starts the production server using the built files generated by the build script.

  • yarn prettier:fix: This script runs Prettier to automatically fix code formatting issues in the project files.

  • yarn prettier:check: This script runs Prettier to check for code formatting issues in the project files and lists the files that need formatting.

  • yarn prepare: This script is used to install Husky, a Git hooks manager, during the project setup.

  • yarn server:run: This script starts the JSON server, which provides the mock API for the application. It watches for changes in the server.json file and automatically reloads the data. The server runs on port 3333.

  • yarn type-check: This script performs type checking using TypeScript. It checks the project files and provides type-related feedback and errors.

  • yarn lint: This script runs ESLint to lint the project files and automatically fix linting issues.