A React app simulating a Live Football World Cup Scoreboard

Football World Cup Scoreboard
A React app simulating a Live Football World Cup Scoreboard⚽ that shows matches and scores.
Notes: The current implementation uses manually set timers and time intervals for simulating the playing of the games. Here is a brief explanation of the intended logic:
- When the app loads initially a 3…2…1 timer is started to visualize the start of the games
- Then another time interval is being triggered so that we can have randomly starting and finishing games (they are being finalized when the playing time expires)
- A third time interval is being used for updating, randomly, the scores per game and per team
- After the playing time ends (currently hard coded to be 90 seconds) and all the games finish, the updates are canceled, i.e. the time intervals are cleared
A GitHub Actions CI is setup to run build and tests on each commit in the main branch.
Tech stack 💾
- React (with Vite)
- Vitest / React Testing Library
- CSS Modules (SASS)
Screenshots 📸
Application features: ⚙️
Live Football World Cup Scoreboard that shows matches and scores.
The board supports the following operations:
Start a game. When a game starts, it should capture (being initial score 0 – 0): a. Home team b. Away team
Finish game. It will remove a match from the scoreboard.
Update score. Receiving the pair score; home team score and away team score updates a game score.
Get a summary of games by total score. Those games with the same total score will be returned ordered by the most recently added to our system.
✍️ As an example, being the current data in the system:
a. Mexico - Canada: 0 - 5
b. Spain - Brazil: 10 – 2
c. Germany - France: 2 – 2
d. Uruguay - Italy: 6 – 6
e. Argentina - Australia: 3 - 1
The summary would provide with the following information:
1. Uruguay 6 - Italy 6
2. Spain 10 - Brazil 2
3. Mexico 0 - Canada 5
4. Argentina 3 - Australia 1
5. Germany 2 - France 2
Possible Improvements 🚀
- Add a clock under the game status, say counting down the seconds, to make it look more like a real-time app
- Add some animation to when updating the scores to make it easier for the user to spot the change
- Add some interactivity in general:
- Clicking on each game leading to a details pane with the match details
- Option for selecting favourite team
- Add another page/tab where the history summary of the past games can be read
Running The App locally
To run the app, follow these steps.
- Ensure that NodeJS is installed.
- Install yarn.
- From the project folder, execute the following commands:
To install dependencies:
yarn install
To run the client app:
yarn dev
To run the tests:
yarn test