A React Component For (List) Items With Swipe To Reveal Actions

react-swipe-to-reveal-actions ?

A swipeable (list) item component that can reveal a set of actions – iOS style. Uses react-swipeable for gesture detection.

? Homepage


yarn add react-swipe-to-reveal-actions

Usage (see /example directory for more)

import SwipeToRevealActions from "react-swipe-to-reveal-actions";

export default const MyListItem = () => {
    return (
                    content: (
                        <div className="your-className-here">
                    onClick: () => alert('Pressed the EDIT button'),
                    content: (
                        <div className="your-className-here">
                    onClick: () => alert('Pressed the DELETe button'),
            Swipe me to reveal actions


Required props are marked with *.

Name Type Default Description
children* React.ReactNode - The content of the item itself
actionButtons* { content: React.ReactNode \ Element; onClick: () => void; role?: string; }[] - An array objects with the contents and onClicks for each action button
actionButtonMinWidth* number - The minimum width of each action button (px)
height string 56px The height of the item. Can be px, rem or em – that’s why this is a string
containerStyle React.CSSProperties - Optional styles for the item container
onOpen () => void - Callback when item is expanded by swipe or click
onClose () => void - Callback when item is collapsed by swipe or click
hideDotsButton boolean - Hides the three dots that can be clicked to expand the item
dotsBtnAriaLabel string Click to reveal actions a11y label text for the dots button


? Nicklas Svendsrud

? Contributing

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Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.

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? License

Copyright © 2021 Nicklas Svendsrud.
This project is ISC licensed.

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