A react contribution heatmap calendar component


a react contribution heatmap component.

? reporting bugs

feel free to post any, but please check issues before posting.

? usage

to install the library as a dependency to your project, run

yarn add contribution-heatmap
# or, according to your preference
npm install --save contribution-heatmap

import the library in your project like below, and you can get started using it.

// import library
import { Heatmap } from "contribution-heatmap"
// ...
<Heatmap />

?‍♂️ contributing

resolving issues or eliminating bugs in the repository will be highly appreciated ?. also, feel free to share your ideas in the discussions page.

for more details please read CONTRIBUTING.md.

? install dependencies


? get storybook up and running for previewing

yarn storybook

? compiles and minifies for production

yarn build