A react hook which helps you to deal with gRPC APIs

React gRPC Query Hook

if you are in love React Query and you're dealing with gRPC in you're application, react-grpc-query is brought to you to use a simple interface to deal with streaming.

we use protobuf-ts package in the examples v2 and if you use another tools it's up to you.

Project Status

Ready to use in your React.js web app

Installation and Setup Instructions

npm i @apingtech/react-grpc-query

or if you use yarn

yard add @apingtech/react-grpc-query


react-grpc-query uses a global stream handler so you have only one open streams per each key.

At first create a hook for you're stream, and use useStream hook inside.
Three parameters should be specified.

  • the first one the key which is a string
  • the second one is stream Function which is a the callback function which should connect to your stream transport. (more on later)
  • the third parameter is called options

Stream Hook Example

function useExampleStream() {
    const [data, setData] = useState([]);

    useStream('stream-name', function streamFunction() {}, {
        onSuccess(result) {

    return {
        isLoading: !data,

Stream Hook Example with Config

you're hook can also accept some config in this scenario you can keep the key as string by converting an object to json format.

function useExampleStream(config = {}) {
    const [data, setData] = useState([]);

            name: 'stream-name',
            id: config.id,
            onSuccess(result) {

    return {
        isLoading: !data,

But, what actually streamFunction is?

streamFunction is just a pure function like this:
we have specified a cancel property in our call which let's the react-grpc-query to stop the streaming after unmounting the component.

the examples are in typescript

function streamFunction() {
    const abortController = new AbortController();

    const call = new ExampleSubscriberClient(transport).subscribe({
        id: 1,
        name: 'Lorem',
    }) as StoppableStreamingCall<ExampleSubscribeRequest, ExampleResponseEvent>;

    call.cancel = () => {

    return call;

What about onSuccess?

The onSuccess will fire on every stream event fire.
it is recommended to store onSuccess in a useCallback.

The complete example is the example/useExampleStream.ts folder.

