A React library that can easily manipulate integers like adding a comma every 3 digits

Simple and Powerful !!!
$ npm install my-int
a library for react that can easily manipulate integers like adding a comma every 3 digits , formatting Rank and much more!!
import {Comma, FormatNum,Rank,Shuffle} from "my-int"
function App(){
<Comma value={1000000}/> //1000,000
<FormatNum value{1000}/> //1k
<FormatNum value{1000} type="id"/> //1rb indo style
<Rank value={1}/> //1st
<Rank value={2}/> //2nd
<Rank value={3}/> //3rd
<Rank value={4}/> //4th
<Shuffle min={10} max={20}/> // random between 10 - 20
hope it can be useful