A React Template Toolkit For Making New Or Re-styling Existing Components With Tailwind CSS


Incredible fast template toolkit for making new or re-styling existing components with Tailwind CSS.

Why it’s needed?

First of all, I’m tired from CSS-in-JS libraries. They are powerful but slow. Why? Because they building/prefixing/recalculating everything in browser.
For example, if you use template literals for your components in emotion it will make new AST -> CSS string -> style element change for every render with different output. Why? Because in your ${(props) => props.value} you can return anything starting from a number and ending by returning all new

Why not just use Tailwind in classNames

Just look at this className:

  className={`flex h-56 max-w-71 rounded-lg flex-col relative overflow-hidden flex-1 border border-[#2d34365a] bg-[#2d343653] cursor-pointer flex-basis-30 m-1 sm:h-64 sm:flex-basis-40 sm:m-2 lg:h-96 lg:flex-basis-60 lg:m-3 ${
    className || ''
  {/** Card body */}

Believe me, this is not the biggest className line that I’ve seen.

Let’s write this mess using Stail:

const Card = stail.div`
  // Layout
  flex flex-col relative flex-1
  // Style
  rounded-lg border border-[#2d34365a] bg-[#2d343653]
  cursor-pointer overflow-hidden

   * Media
   * H      Basis             Margin   Addition
  h-56      flex-basis-30     m-1      max-w-71
  sm:h-64   sm:flex-basis-40  sm:m-2
  lg:h-96   lg:flex-basis-60  lg:m-3

<Card onClick={onClick} className={className}>
{/** Card body */}

As you can see it’s much easier to read and write. Everything is on their place. Also with Tailwind CSS plugin for VS Code you can easily check
what each item is representing in end CSS file

How to install

yarn add stail


npm install --save stail

That’s it. You don’t need to configure TailwindCSS to use it with Stail. It will just work from the box.

What features Stail supports?


Stail supports single line columns like // My Comment so as multiline /* ... */

Props passing

const IconButton = stail.button`
  rounded-[50%] py-0 px-2 inline-flex mr-0 w-[fit-content] ${(props) =>
      ? undefined
      : 'bg-transparent hover:bg-white/10 active:bg-white/25'}

Value passing

const EmptySection = stail.div`
  flex ${
    !isSafari && 'backdrop-blur'
  } // Can be used for platform specific things.

Dom element wrappers

Stail have shortcuts for all native browser element under stail.* name. So if you want to make some small component, you don’t need to write everything.

const Wrapper = stail.div`flex flex-nowrap`

Restyle any component that supports className prop

const Select = stail(ReactSelect)`py-1 px-4 bg-white/50`

Filter props that passing to dom element or component

By default stail will not pass props that starts from $ sign to dom elements, so if you use components from stail.* or you create your own like stail("div") you are free to use props like $active without need to clear it

const Select = stail(ReactSelect, {
  displayName: 'UISelect', // For React DevTools
  shouldForwardProp(prop) => !['active', 'index'].includes(prop)
  py-1 px-4
  ${({active}) => active ? 'bg-white/50' : 'bg-white/40'}

VS Code support using Tailwind CSS IntelliSense plugin

You can enable auto-complete and CSS on hover in your IDE by adding additional config to the settings.json file:

  // Stail auto-complete and highlight
  "tailwindCSS.experimental.classRegex": [

Overriding base component at render-time for native dom elements

const MySuperButton = stail.div`
  // ...some classes for your button

  <MySuperButton as="a" href="#">
    Now I'm a link

Tailwind Plugins

Stail provides additional plugins for Tailwind which makes writing complex styles much easier.

Tailwind child plugin

This plugin make it possible to apply style for a direct child component. This can be useful when you are
wrapping component

For example let’s imagine the following css:

.wrapper {
  & > div {
    border-radius: 0;
    border-right: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
    &:last-child {
      border-right-width: 0;

This can be converted into:
child-div:rounded-none child-div:border-r child-div:border-black/10 child-div:last:border-r-0

Or in stail

const Wrapper = stail.div`
child-div:border-r child-div:border-black/10
// Remove border from last element


In your tailwind.config.js file, please add this to your plugins array:

plugins: [
  //... other plugins

By default plugin enables support for a & > div(child-div:*), & > svg(child-svg:*), & >span(child-span:*)
and wildcard selector & > *(child:*).

You can modify this list by adding tags field into plugin initialization:

plugins: [
  //... other plugins
    tags: ['svg', 'div', 'span', 'a', 'button'],


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