A React TypeScript custom hook and canvas-wrapping component providing an interface to render 2D/3D scenes

React Canvas TS

A React TypeScript custom hook and canvas-wrapping component providing an interface to render 2D/3D scenes on HTML Canvas.


In the project directory, run

npm install react-canvas-ts --save

if you use npm for your project, or

yarn install react-canvas-ts

if you use yarn.

You can now use in your app either the Canvas Component, or the Canvas Hook directly (if you already have your own component including a HTML Canvas element).

Usage (Canvas Component)

import React from 'react';
import Canvas from 'react-canvas-ts';

const draw = (ctx, frameCount, elapsedTime) => {
    // ...

const App = () => {
    return (
        <Canvas contextType="2d" draw={draw} />

export default App;

Usage (Canvas Hook)

import React from 'react';
import useCanvas from 'react-canvas-ts';

const draw = (ctx, frameCount, elapsedTime) => {
    // ...
const contextType = '2d';

const App = () => {

  const canvasRef = useCanvas({draw, contextType});

  return (
        // note how we are returning the HTML canvas, not the React Canvas component
        <canvas ref={canvasRef} />

export default App;


Currently-supported props are:

  • contextType: can be one of these three values
    • 2d -> the component will reference the underlying 2D Context to draw on the Canvas element
    • webgl2 -> the component will reference the underlying 3D WebGL 2 (OpenGL 3.0 support) Context to render on the Canvas element
    • webgl -> the component will reference the underlying 3D WebGL (OpenGL 2.0 support) Context to render on the Canvas element
  • draw: drawing/rendering logic callback, having parameters:
    • context -> the Canvas context to render on (2D or 3D, depending on which contentType was specified)
    • frameCount -> current frame number since the render loop was initialised
    • elapsedTime -> amount of time passed since last draw call, in ms


The hook and component have been developed entirely in TypeScript 4.x.

How to run the example app

git clone https://github.com/sardusmatt/react-canvas-ts.git && cd react-canvas-ts
npm i
npm start

The example page will be available at http://localhost:3000.


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