A simple and small translation library for React / React Native


Simple fast ⚡️ and small (400 bytes) translation library for React / React Native.


yarn add react-ridge-translations


npm install react-ridge-translations --save

Why another translation library :thinking:

We were frustrated with the API of other libraries and wanted a more type safe alternative for template tags

Features :woman_juggling:

  • React / React Native
  • Simple
  • Fast
  • Very tiny (400 bytes)
  • 100% Typesafe
  • Hooks
  • Use outside React components

Getting started :clap: :ok_hand:

// translate.ts
import { createTranslations } from 'react-ridge-translations'

// first describe which languages are allowed/required (Typescript)
type TranslationLanguages = {
  nl: string
  fr: string
  be: string

// create a translation object with your translations
const translate = createTranslations<TranslationLanguages>()({
    signIn: {
      nl: 'yes',
      fr: 'yes',
      be: 'yes',
    welcomeText: ({ firstName }: { firstName: string }) => ({
      nl: `Hoi ${firstName}`,
      fr: `Hello ${firstName}`,
      be: `Hello ${firstName}`,
}, {
    language: 'nl',
    fallback: 'en',
export default translate

Usage in React / React Native components

import translate from './translate'
export default function HomeScreen() {   
    // use is a hook which will update automatically if language change :)
    const ht = translate.use().homeScreen
    return (
            {ht.welcomeText({ firstName: 'Richard' })}

Usage outside components / Class components

import translate from './translate'

Changing language

import translate from './translate'
    language: 'nl',
    fallback: 'en',

Detect user language

React Native

import { NativeModules, Platform } from 'react-native';
import { createTranslations } from 'react-ridge-translations'
// first describe which languages are allowed/required (Typescript)
type TranslationLanguages = {
    nl: string
    fr: string
    en: string

const deviceLanguage = (Platform.OS === 'ios'
                                   ? NativeModules.SettingsManager.settings.AppleLocale ||
                                     NativeModules.SettingsManager.settings.AppleLanguages[0] // iOS 13
                                   : NativeModules.I18nManager.localeIdentifier) || '';;
const availableLanguages: (keyof TranslationLanguages)[] = ['nl', 'en', 'fr'] ;
const fallback = 'en'

function getBestLanguage(): typeof availableLanguages[number] | typeof fallback {
    return availableLanguages.find(al => deviceLanguage.startsWith(al)) || fallback

const translate = createTranslations<TranslationLanguages>()({
    // ........translations
}, {
    language: getBestLanguage(), 
export default translate


import { createTranslations } from 'react-ridge-translations'
// first describe which languages are allowed/required (Typescript)
type TranslationLanguages = {
    nl: string
    fr: string
    en: string

const deviceLanguage = navigator.language;
const availableLanguages: (keyof TranslationLanguages)[] = ['nl', 'en', 'fr'] ;
const fallback = 'en'

function getBestLanguage(): typeof availableLanguages[number] | typeof fallback {
    return availableLanguages.find(al => deviceLanguage.startsWith(al)) || fallback
const translate = createTranslations<TranslationLanguages>()({
    // ........translations
}, {
    language: getBestLanguage(), 
export default translate
