A Simple But Powerful React State Management Library With Low Mind Burden


A simple but powerful react state management library with low mental load, inspired by rko.

nstate = nano state / next state


  • Simple API with low mental load
  • Powerful features based on concise API.
  • Auto bind action methods
  • Combine stores and reuse actions/views
  • Watch store changes
  • Shipped with immer for nested state updating


yarn add nstate # or npm i nstate


1. Counter example

import NState, { setDebug } from 'nstate'
import React from 'react'

setDebug(true) // enable debug log

interface Store {
  count: number
export class CounterStore extends NState<Store> {

  inc() {
    // setState by new state
    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 })

  dec() {
    // setState by updater function like React
    this.setState(s => ({ count: s.count - 1 }))

  set(n: number) {
    // setState by immer draft (using immer under the hood)
    this.setState(draft => {
      draft.count = n

export const counterStore = new CounterStore({ // optional initial state
  count: 0,

function Counter({ store = counterStore }: { store?: CounterStore }) {
  const count = store.useState(s => s.count)
  const inpRef = React.useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null)
  return (
        <p>count: {count}</p>
        <button onClick={store.inc}>+</button>
        <button onClick={store.dec}>-</button>
        <button onClick={e=>store.set(0)}>reset</button>

export default Counter

2. Combine multiple store to reuse actions/views

import NState, { setDebug } from 'nstate'
import React from 'react'
import Counter, {CounterStore} from './Counter';

setDebug(true) // enable debug log
interface Store {
  nest: {
    aa: string,
    bb: string,
export class CombineStore extends NState<Store> {

  counter = new CounterStore({ count: 1 })

  onInit() {
    // link to counter store by simple watch API
    this.counter.watch(s=> s.count, count => {
      this.updateAA('count changed:'+count)

  updateAA(aa: string) {
    // setState by immer draft (using immer under the hood)
    this.setState(draft => {
      draft.nest.aa = aa
  updateBB(bb: string) {
    // setState by immer draft (using immer under the hood)
    this.setState(draft => {
      draft.nest.bb = bb

export const nestStore = new CombineStore({ // initial state
  nest: {aa: 'aa', bb: 'bb'},

function Combine() {
  // use state by destructuring, support array/object
  const [aa, bb] = nestStore.useState(s => [s.nest.aa, s.nest.bb])
  // or:
  // const {aa, bb} = nestStore.useState(s => ({aa: s.nest.aa, bb: s.nest.bb}))
  const inp1Ref = React.useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null)
  const inp2Ref = React.useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null)
  return (
        <Counter store={nestStore.counter} />
        <p>aa: {aa}</p>
        <p>bb: {bb}</p>
        <input ref={inp1Ref} type="text" defaultValue={aa}/>
          onClick={e => {
            nestStore.updateAA(inp1Ref.current?.value || '')
          set aa
        <input ref={inp2Ref} type="text" defaultValue={bb}/>
          onClick={e => {
            nestStore.updateBB(inp2Ref.current?.value || '')
          set bb

export default Combine


export function setDebug(boolean):void // enable debug log

export default class NState<T> {
  protected state<T>
  protected events: Emitter<{
    change: { patch: any, old: T }
  }> // internal change events
  constructor(initialState: T, nameOrOptions?: string | { name: string, debug: boolean})
  protected onInit()
  protected setState(patch: Partial<T>)
  protected setState(patch: (s: T) => Partial<T>)
  protected setState(patch: (draft: T) => void) // using immer under the hood
  watch<U>(getter: (s: T) => U, handler: (s: U) => void) // Watch deep state change, if getter return a new array(length <= 20) or object, it will be shallow equals
  useState<U>(getter: (s: T) => U): U // use state hook, based on `watch`, so you can return a new array/object for destructuring.




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