A Simple, Easy To Use and Customisable ScrollSpy component for react with callback, typescript

React UI ScrollSpy

✨ Installation

npm install --save react-ui-scrollspy


yarn add react-ui-scrollspy

? Demo

Try it your self here!

⚙️ Usage

  1. In your navigation component

  <p data-to-scrollspy-id="first">Section 1</p>
  <p data-to-scrollspy-id="second">Section 2</p>
  1. Wrap the elements you want to spy on in the <ScrollSpy> component.

import ScrollSpy from "react-ui-scrollspy";

  <div id="first">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aut dolores
    veritatis doloremque fugit. Soluta aperiam atque inventore deleniti,
    voluptatibus non fuga eos magni natus vel, rerum excepturi expedita.
    Tempore, vero!
  <div id="second">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aut dolores
    veritatis doloremque fugit. Soluta aperiam atque inventore deleniti,
    voluptatibus non fuga eos magni natus vel, rerum excepturi expedita.
    Tempore, vero!
  1. Write styles for when the navigation element which is active in your index.css

.active-scroll-spy {
  background-color: yellowgreen;
  border-radius: 15px;

NOTE: See demo-app for example used here.

? Props

? Children

Attributes Type Description Default Required
children ReactNode Each direct child Element should contain an id yes

? Refs

Attributes Type Description Default Required
navContainerRef MutableRefObject
<HTMLDivElement | null>
ref to your navigation container containing items with data-to-scrollspy-id attributes no
parentScrollContainerRef MutableRefObject
<HTMLDivElement | null>
If you want to spy only on a particular scrollable container (Element) then pass its ref to this prop no

? Throttle

Attributes Type Description Default Required
scrollThrottle number In milliseconds to throttle the onscroll event. Lower the number, better the response time, higher the performance cost 300 no

? Callback

Attributes Type Description Default Required
onUpdateCallback (id: string) => void Executes this function whenever you scroll to a new ScrollSpy child Element, callback returns the id of that Element as well no

? Offsets

Attributes Type Description Default Required
offsetTop number Spy will be fired when it has been scrolled offsetTop beyond 50% to the top of the containing element 0 no
offsetBottom number Spy will be fired when it has been scrolled offsetBottom beyond 50% to the bottom of the containing element 0 no

? Customize Attributes

Attributes Type Description Default Required
useDataAttribute string To customize the string after data- "to-scrollspy-id" no
activeClass string To customize the class added when the Element in view "active-scroll-spy" no

? Authors


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