A Simple Notes App built using Django and Django

Django & React ❤️
An example of an app (Simple Notes) built using Django as a backend, and fully seperate React app as a front end. It uses jwt-token in user authorization.
How to run
After cloning the repo, do the following to setup the app: 1- from the backend folder, execute those lines:
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py runserver
2- the django server should now be up and running. 3- from the frontend folder, execute those lines:
npm install
npm start
4- now go to the url located after Access URLs:
5- and you should see the website in the browser
About the project
In this project, I try to provide a simple boilerplate for anyone who wants to use Django as a backend, and offer jwt-auth based API. Also, I implemented a simple notes app example using React (react-boilerplate). In case you have any questions about the code, please feel free to ask.