A simple notes app made for debsoc auditions


A simple notes making app made using Flask, React, Material-UI and MongoDB.

Set up Guides

After cloning the app locally, you will to follow the following steps to get running:

01. Install dependencies

(a) Python

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

(b) NodeJS

$ cd frontend
$ yarn install


$ cd frontend
$ npm i

02. Start the flask app

Running this command will initiate the backend server.

$ python main.py

03. Start Webpack server

$ cd frontend
$ yarn start

API requests from frontend will automatically get redirected to http://localhost:5000. Make sure that this is the right address where flask is running. If its not, then you can manipulate the proxy field in frontend/package.json to point to the correct address.

04. Develop

05. Build

$ cd frontend
$ yarn build

Frontend has been configured to automatically write the build files at <PROJECT_ROOT>/build rather than <PROJECT_ROOT>/frontend/build. This helps flask easily find the files and serve them as static in production mode.