A simple react state management library without a provider


A simple react state management library without a provider.


npm install minact
# or
# yarn add minact


Create a store

import { createStore } from "minact";

export const { useSelector, useDispatch } = createStore(
  { count: 0 },
  (set, get) => ({
    increase: (amount) => set({ count: get().count + (amount || 1) }),

Use the hooks inside your components

const View = () => {
  const count = useSelector((state) => state.count);

  return <div>Count: {count}</div>;

const Controls = () => {
  const increase = useDispatch((reducers) => reducers.increase);

  return <button onClick={() => increase()}>Increase</button>;

Async actions

Just call the set function to update the store, async functions don't matter.

createStore({ data: null }, (set, get) => ({
  update: async (url) => {
    const res = await fetch(url);
    const data = await res.json();
    set({ data });

Multiple selectors

const App = () => {
  const { count, user } = useSelector((state) => ({
    count: state.count,
    user: state.user,

  // or

  const [ count, user ] = useSelector((state) => [
    count: state.count,
    user: state.user,

  // useDispatch also works

  const { increase, decrease } = useDispatch((reducers) => ({
    increase: reducers.increase,
    decrease: reducers.decrease,

  // or

  const [ increase, decrease ] = useDispatch((reducers) => [
    increase: reducers.increase,
    decrease: reducers.decrease,

Usage outside of react component

const store = createStore({ count: 0 }, (set, get) => ({
  increase: () => set({ count: get().count + 1 }),

// Subscribe to store changes and log the state
const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => console.log(store.get()));

// Unsubscribe from changes

Scales very well

│── store
│   │── user-store.js
│   │── count-store.js
│   │── any-store.js

You can create as many store as you want, they will work independently from each other