A simple react todo-list with the PERN Stack

PERN Todo List

A very straight-forward and simple todo-list with the PERN Stack (Postgres, Express, React, Node).

Practicing MobX as a the state-management for the client-side with persistence.

Serves as a boilerplate for crud functionality

Project Structure

  ├ ?client # WIP: connected to postgres server
  ├ ?client-static # no connection to postgres server
  | └ ?src
  |   ├ ?utils
  |   | └ AppStore.ts # MobX store and context hook
  |   └ App.tsx # Main interface
  └ ?server
    └ ?src
      ├ ?entities
      | └ *.ts # Models for Postgres and GraphQL
      ├ ?migrations
      | └ AppStore.ts # Postgres commands for migration
      |               # more in package.json `migration:*`
      ├ ?resolvers
      | └ *.ts # GraphQL resolvers (CRUD logic)
      ├ server.ts # Entry point of server
      |           # (contains resolver array)
      └ mikro-orm.config.ts # Config for database connection
                            # (contains entities array)

Client-Static Preview

GraphQL Preview