A simple React tree menu component

React Simple Tree Menu

Inspired by Downshift, a simple, data-driven, light-weight React Tree Menu component that:

  • does not depend on any UI framework
  • fully customizable with render props and control props
  • allows search


Install with the following command in your React app:

npm i react-simple-tree-menu
// or
yarn add react-simple-tree-menu

To generate a TreeMenu, you need to provide data in the following structure.

// as an array
const treeData = [
    key: 'first-level-node-1',
    label: 'Node 1 at the first level',
    ..., // any other props you need, e.g. url
    nodes: [
        key: 'second-level-node-1',
        label: 'Node 1 at the second level',
        nodes: [
            key: 'third-level-node-1',
            label: 'Last node of the branch',
            nodes: [] // you can remove the nodes property or leave it as an empty array
    key: 'first-level-node-2',
    label: 'Node 2 at the first level',
// or as an object
const treeData = {
  'first-level-node-1': {               // key
    label: 'Node 1 at the first level',
    index: 0, // decide the rendering order on the same level
    ...,      // any other props you need, e.g. url
    nodes: {
      'second-level-node-1': {
        label: 'Node 1 at the second level',
        index: 0,
        nodes: {
          'third-level-node-1': {
            label: 'Node 1 at the third level',
            index: 0,
            nodes: {} // you can remove the nodes property or leave it as an empty array
  'first-level-node-2': {
    label: 'Node 2 at the first level',
    index: 1,

And then import TreeMenu and use it. By default you only need to provide data. You can have more control over the behaviors of the components using the provided API.

import TreeMenu from 'react-simple-tree-menu'
// Use the default minimal UI
<TreeMenu data={treeData} />

// Use any third-party UI framework
  onClickItem={({ key, label, ...props }) => {
    this.navigate(props.url); // user defined prop
    {({ search, items }) => (
          <Input onChange={e => search(e.target.value)} placeholder="Type and search" />
            {items.map(props => (
              // You might need to wrap the third-party component to consume the props
              // check the story as an example
              // https://github.com/iannbing/react-simple-tree-menu/blob/master/stories/index.stories.js
              <ListItem {...props} />



props description type default
data Data that defines the structure of the tree. You can nest it as many levels as you want, but note that it might cause performance issue. {[string]:TreeNode} | TreeNode[] -
activeKey the node matching this key will be highlighted string ''
onClickItem A callback function that defines the behavior when user clicks on an node (Item): void console.warn
debounceTime debounce time for searching number 125
openNodes you can pass an array of node names to make the branches open string[] null
children a render props that provdes two props: search and items (ChildrenProps) => React.ReactNode -


props description type default
key Node name string -
label the rendered text of a Node string | React.ReactNode ''
index a number that defines the rendering order of this node on the same level; this is not needed if data is TreeNode[] number -
nodes a node without this property means that it is the last child of its branch {[string]:TreeNode} | TreeNode[] -


props description type default
hasNodes if a TreeNode is the last node of its branch boolean false
isOpen if it is showing its children boolean false
level the level of the current node (root is zero) number 0
key key of a TreeNode string -
label TreeNode label string | React.ReactNode -
...other User defined props {[string]: any} -


props description type default
search A function that takes a string to filter the label of the item (value: string) => void -
items An array of TreeMenuItem TreeMenuItem[] []


props description type default
hasNodes if a TreeNode is the last node of its branch boolean false
isOpen if it is showing its children boolean false
level the level of the current node (root is zero) number 0
key key of a TreeNode string -
label TreeNode label string | React.ReactNode -
active if current node is being selected boolean -
onClick a callback function that is run when the node is clicked Function -
...other User defined props {[string]: any} -
