A small utility for constructing classnames using a variant based api

twix ?

twix is a small utility for constructing classnames using a variant based api.
The API is largely copied from stitches but works with
just plain class strings instead.


twix has a peer dependency on clsx, a small utility for conditionally
toggling class names.

npm i @asyarb/twix clsx

Example Usage

const button = twix({
	base: "rounded",

	variants: {
		color: {
			purple: "bg-purple",
			blue: "bg-blue",
		size: {
			small: "p-5",
			large: "p-8",

	compoundVariants: [
			color: "purple",
			size: "small",
			className: "font-bold",

	defaultVariants: {
		size: "large",

// => "rounded p-8 bg-purple"
button({ color: "purple" })

// => "rounded p-5 bg-purple font-bold"
button({ color: "purple", size: "small" })


twix is written in TypeScript, and provides type-safety when defining and
using your variants.

import type { GetVariants } from "@asyarb/twix"

// ... Same button from above.

// => TypeScript error - Variants must be provided.

// => TypeScript error - Must provide `color` since no defaultVariant exists.
button({ size: "small" })

// => Get variants as a type you can re-use elsewhere:
 * { color: 'purple' | 'blue', size?: 'small' | 'large' }
type ButtonVariants = GetVariants<typeof button>

React usage

// components/Button.tsx

import { GetVariants, twix } from "@asyarb/twix"

const button = twix({
	/** Same example from above... */

type ButtonProps = {
	/** Userland props... */
} & GetVariants<typeof button>

const Button = ({ color, size, ...props }: ButtonProps) => {
	return <button className={button({ color, size })} {...props} />


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