A SOS Animals app Build with react


This app will help abandoned animals get help from Animal welfare organizations in Romania when people reporting them via this app. I created this project to participate in my first hackathon - Clerk x Hashnode Hackathon June 2021. So, check out my article about the project and my experience in the hackathon.

The idea is that when reporting a dog, the user will start filling out a form about the dog's situation and location. If people want to leave their contact information in the last stage, this should give them the possibility to stay connected with the NGOs and get information about the condition of the dog. When submitting the form, the form should be sent to the nearest NGO station.

Currently working on

The backend functionality is completely missing since I am not familiar with the backend at this stage. So, there is no connection to a database, any NGOs and no way to actually send the form.

I am also currently fixing problems happending during the deployment procress. So please enjoy the preview video instead !

