A starter repo for building Chrome v3 manifest extensions using Typescript and React

TypeScript, React, Rollup, and Chrome v3 Manifest Starter

This is a bare bones starter for building React/Typescript extensions for Chrome using manifest_version: 3.

Under the hood, this repo is built leaning pretty heavily on the infrastructure from Extend Chrome. I would say the primary difference here is the starter integrates some foundational code and manifest configuration for v3 which I couldn’t find in the boilerplate examples they offer.


For development with automatic reloading:

yarn start

Open the Extensions Dashboard, enable “Developer mode”, click “Load unpacked”, and choose the dist folder.

When you make changes in src the background script and any content script will reload automatically.


When it’s time to publish your Chrome extension, make a production build to submit to the Chrome Web Store. This boilerplate will use the version in package.json, unless you add a version to src/manifest.json.

Make sure you have updated the name and version of your extension in package.json.

Run the following line:

yarn build

This will create a ZIP file with your package name and version in the releases folder.


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