A template for creating T3 apps and Plasmo browser extensions using Turborepo

T3 Plasmo Turbo


This is a template for creating T3 apps and Plasmo browser extensions using Turborepo. With Turborepo + TRPC Api, you can easily manage web app and browser extension projects in one repository. It’s obviously been derived from the create-t3-turbo. Styling is not yet configured.

Folder Structure

  ├─ plasmo
  |   ├─ Plasmo .69
  |   ├─ React 18 & /src
  |   ├─ Clerk Authentication
  |   ├─ Navigation using Expo Router
  |   └─ Typesafe API calls using tRPC
  └─ next.js
      ├─ Next.js 13
      ├─ React 18
  |   ├─ Clerk Authentication
      └─ E2E Typesafe API Server & Client
 ├─ api
 |   └─ tRPC v10 router definition
 ├─ db
 |   └─ typesafe db-calls using Prisma
 ├─ ui
 |   └─ its been there by default (maybe we can add component library in this)
 ├─ eslint-config-custom
 |   └─ its been there by default
 └─ tsconfig
     └─ shared tsconfig (to be extended from)

Quick Started

cp .env.example .env

# get clerk secret and publishable key
# change db reference (optional)
yarn install
yarn db:push
yarn dev

View Chrome Extension

  1. Head over to chrome://extensions and enable Developer Mode.
  2. Click on “Load Unpacked” and navigate to your extension’s /apps/plasmo/build/chrome-mv3-dev (or /apps/plasmo/build/chrome-mv3-prod) directory.
  3. Pin the extension & login. Note that, social login is not fully functioning, so it’s best to stick with password or sending codes to mail

Migrate Prisma

yarn workspace db db:migrate




  • Add Clerk to Project
  • Unify environment variables
  • Figure out styling library
  • Plasmo folder structure improvement
  • Plasmo state management
  • Fix Landing Page Appearance
  • Deployment

Contributing, Suggestions, Bug Reports and Feedback

I’m no expert and most of the stuff aren’t finished, so, any contributions & feedbacks are welcomed! Just open an Issues or a PR!

If you encounter any bugs or issues while using this template, please report them in the Issues section of this repository.


The stack originates from create-t3-turbo.


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