A tiny library to enhance value with reactive wrapper


A tiny library to enhance value with reactive wrapper.


npm add value-enhancer


The goal of this lib is to bring reactivity to values like MobX but without the implicit-cast magic. It is like RxJS but trimmed and simplified with the focus on value changes instead of async operations which resulted in much smaller codebase.


import { Val, combine } from "value-enhancer";

const val = new Val(2);

console.log(val.value); // 2

console.log(val.value); // 3

val.subscribe(value => console.log(`subscribe: ${value}`)); // subscribe: 3

val.reaction(value => console.log(`reaction: ${value}`)); // (nothing printed)

val.setValue(3); // nothing happened

val.setValue(4); // subscribe: 4, reaction: 4

const derived = val.derive(value => value * 3);
console.log(derived.value); // 12
derived.subscribe(value => console.log(`derived: ${value}`)); // derived: 12

const combined = combine([val, derived], ([val, derived]) => val + derived);
console.log(combined.value); // 16
combined.subscribe(value => console.log(`combined: ${value}`)); // combined: 16

val.setValue(5); // subscribe: 5, reaction: 5, derived: 15, combined: 20


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