A tiny utility library to generate mesh gradient based on 4 RGB colors, built with vanilla js


mesh-gradient.js is tiny utility library to generate mesh gradient based on 4 RGB colors, built with vanilla js.


npm install mesh-gradient.js or yarn add mesh-gradient.js

Basic Usage

Vanilla JS


import MeshGradient from 'mesh-gradient.js';
import { useEffect } from 'react';

const COLORS =   ["#eb75b6",

function App() {

// create instance of Gradient Class
  const gradient = new MeshGradient();
  const canvasId = "my-canvas"

  useEffect(() => {
    // initialize new gradient
    // @Params
    // 1. id of canvas elememt
    // 2. array of colors in hexcode
    gradient.initGradient("#" + canvasId, COLORS) 
    // Mesh Id 
    // Any positive numeric value which acts as a seed for mesh pattern
  }, [])

  const regenerate = () => {
    const value = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)
    // change pattern by changing mesh Id

  return (
    <div className="App">
        <canvas id={canvasId} width="800" height="600"/>
        <button onClick={() => regenerate()}> Regenerate </button>

export default App;

Other Useful APIs

// get current gradient colors

// change gradient colors

// force refresh mesh
// Usage - set any property of the Mesh Gradient Object and run this to see the effect

Mesh Gradient Model

    isLoadedClass: boolean;
    el: any;
    inputColors: any;
    connect(): Promise<void>;
    shaderFiles: {
        vertex: string;
        noise: string;
        blend: string;
        fragment: string;
    } | undefined;
    conf: {
        presetName: string;
        wireframe: boolean;
        density: number[];
        zoom: number;
        rotation: number;
        playing: boolean;
    } | undefined;
    minigl: MiniGl | undefined;
    disconnect(): void;
    setCanvasSize(width: any, height: any, initial?: boolean): void;
    width: any;
    height: any;
    xSegCount: number | undefined;
    ySegCount: number | undefined;
    initMaterial(): any;
    uniforms: {
        u_time: any;
        u_shadow_power: any;
        u_darken_top: any;
        u_active_colors: any;
        u_global: any;
        u_vertDeform: any;
        u_baseColor: any;
        u_waveLayers: any;
    } | undefined;
    vertexShader: string | undefined;
    initMesh(): void;
    material: any;
    geometry: any;
    mesh: any;
    shouldSkipFrame(e: any): true | undefined;
    updateFrequency(e: any): void;
    toggleColor(index: any): void;
    showGradientLegend(): void;
    isGradientLegendVisible: boolean | undefined;
    hideGradientLegend(): void;
    changePosition(val: any): void;
    t: number | undefined;
    init(): void;
    initGradientColors(): void;
    sectionColors: any;
    changeGradientColors(colors: any): void;
    reGenerateCanvas(): void;
    getGradientColors(): any;


  • Stripe – https://stripe.com
  • kevinhufnagl – https://kevinhufnagl.com/
